Past Creations - Customer Gallery

Customer Gallery

Person with a black felt Renaissance tall hat with a dome crown and burgundy silk and ostrich trim.Woman in green Elizabethan dress wearing Mary Queen of Scotts inspired custom hatSmiling person with dark brown curly hair wearing a custom Renaissance tall hat in black felt with gold trimElegant woman wearing small green pleated silk and hand beaded head piece.Reenactor wearing custom Black Powder Plot early 1700's inspired tall crown wide brim felt hat in a medium blue with gold bias brim finish and vintage ostrich feather trim.
Person in ornate brocade silk gown wear black silk taffeta flat hat 3/4 view.Person in ornate brocade silk gown wear black silk taffeta flat hat.Several costumed people at a Renaissance faire, woman in the center is wearing a Folie Jolie green Elizabethan tall hat with gold trim.
Woman wearing blue and yellow Renaissance garb at a renaissance festival in a custom blue and gold Renaissance tall hat with navy and gold feathers decorating the back of the hat.